Monday, April 26, 2010

Your making me high

DAY 42


Artist: Toni Braxton

Genre: R & B

Album: Secrets

Released: 1996

I am going to do this one a little different today. Frankly, because I don't want to post these lyrics on my blog, but you can listen to the video. Why would I write about a song so racy then? Refer back to my first post on this blog for the answer. Though inappropriate, me & every other girl in the sixth grade listened to this song. If it played on Z100, we heard it. Before middle school, I mostly listened to what my parents did, which ranged from country to good ole classic rock n' roll & the oldies but goodies. Other than my own like for The Cranberries & Alanis Morrsette, I didn't regularly listen to much more. Then enter Junior High & pre-teen girl friends, & my virgin ears went out the window. Thanks guys! OK-- so I wasn't perfectly innocent, but my music choices were at least respectable.

In my defense, as a teenage girl, I never really listened closely to the lyrics of this song. As young girls, I think that it is very true that we listened to music more for, well, the music. The melody, the beat. We liked it if it was popular. That sort of thing. And Toni Braxton was VERY popular at the time. I see this truth coming full cycle now as I hear the music my sister listens to. The sweetest most innocent girl you'd ever meet, yet her choice in music doesn't reflect that much. For example-- Ke$ha's "Tick Tock". She doesn't even know what "Getting Krunk" even means! But she still blasts it full force on her IPOD.

So...seeing as there are quite a few songs on my list that remind me of the sixth grade, I will blog about different memories from that time for each song. It was my favorite time in life. I don't really know why, I just really enjoyed life to the fullest. Maybe it was the last time in life I felt truly like a child still. I shall cherish that year forever.

So onto the memory. So in the sixth grade, Health with Mrs. Richardson was one of my favorite classes. I think I had it with Heidi in the morning, & Elsie had it in the afternoon. I may have it reversed, but not an important detail. We were learning different ways to relieve stress, & one way was to write a list of everything bothering you, then talk about it with some one. Well, apparently this was the cool thing to do, because one night at a sleep over with Heidi, Elsie & our mutual friend, Kim
( who attended another school.), we each started our own list that we would all share. I can only imagine the meaningless things we wrote on our list ( mine had like, forty things on it!), but I know one of them was each other, which in return sparked a big fight that resulted in the silent treatment & some taking sides. Oh the irony. I think one of us still has one of these lists somewhere...



Blogger Elsie said...

Hahaha! I can't even pick a thought to leave as a comment! But I'm sure the same ones have passed through your mind too!

April 26, 2010 at 9:15 PM  
Blogger Notorious M.E.G. said...

About the song or the ridiculousness of us? Hard to say...

April 27, 2010 at 5:01 PM  

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